The project is vibrant - the project is changing and gaining momentum. Let's take a peek, shall we?

As we mentioned before, there is a vacant section of prospective development on the Prityazhenie site. There were all sorts of ideas about what to place there. One of the possible options now in development is a flora and fauna facility. According to the results of the open competitive procedure the winner for the development of architectural concept of the Flora and Fauna object of Prityazhenie was the company Atoll. A short while ago the first developments - several conceptual solutions - were presented to the project team. It is scheduled that the object of flora and fauna of the Prityazhenie project will combine two functions - an oceanarium and an orchard house. The main principle of expositions is biocoenosis. It is a combination of animals and plants that inhabit the same space. And apart from the space for the most comfortable and measured pastime and cognition of the world, there will be locations for organization of festivities and celebrations. For example, in a very unusual environment, you can make a proposal to your beloved, to celebrate the end of school by swimming with sharks or hold an unusual photo shoot sitting on a palm tree or hanging out on the vines.